Posts Tagged ‘assertiveness’
Business Breathing
Vision Vector – Siren Software
Startups require a mind-set from their CEO that is very different from that appropriate to larger, more established companies. It’s hard to fathom now, but back in 1994 the future of internet e-mail was still in doubt. At the time Jeffrey Morrison, now CEO of Stage One Partners in Los Gatos, piloted a startup e-mail firm called Siren Software.
Firing Key Employees; When You Must, and How – Availigent
CEOs have the duty to stay on mission and pursue the firm’s vision, even if it means firing a troublesome employee with critical knowledge. This article talks about how to reduce the risks to the company and prepare to make the change, using CEO Bud Michaels of Availigent, a software firm, as a case study.
Managing Young Employees Yields Insights for All – LeMans Karting
Weak, Shortsighted or Out of Control: Why CEOs Don’t Insist on Great Teams
Why don’t CEOs insist on great top teams in their own organizations? Are they too tolerant of failure and/or poor performance? A talk to the Alliance of Chief Executives by CEO Jim Pouliot of CSAA inspired this exploration of why CEOs continually struggle with the issue, and what they can do about it.