Quantitative Research
We are targeting delivery of quantitative research on about 1,000 privately-held emerging midsized companies. They first answer our initial survey, where we will confirm they qualify for the research program and collect some firmographics. Next they will all answer a survey asking a few questions for each growth driver, enabling us to broadly assess their level of performance in each. Based on their interests, each will be able to further participate in a survey for each of the growth drivers where they can answer a questions about best practices. With this information, we can correlate company performance with strengths in each driver, and use of certain best-practices.
We are also adding an objective, third-party assessment of their financial success relative to peer companies using a company called InfoVera, and their assessment tool called TEVO. With just seven financial data points and their NAICS code (industry classification), InfoVera benchmarks companies to their peers based on financial data collected by commercial banks and investment banks and rates them on a uniform scale from 300 to 850 (just like credit scores). This will provide an interesting analytical perspective to validate the impact of the nine drivers of growth on actual financial results relative to their peers.
Qualitative Research
After receiving the 100 quantitative survey results, we will select 10-15 companies to interview for each growth driver. Interviews with the CEO will be recorded and transcribed, but will be kept confidential. We will seek to understand the journey of each CEO and company. The focus of each interview will include understanding innovative best practices, real-world blockers to improved performance, what efforts were made to overcome the blockers, and whether their efforts were successful.
We will ask the CEO and his/her direct reports to take a DISC assessment to help us understand behavioral impacts on the nine growth drivers. We plan to use Everything DiSC’s Work of Leaders assessment on the CEOs to more deeply understand successes or failures in each of the nine growth drivers.
DISC is a tool to categorize people based on known behavioral tendencies. D = dominant; I = influential; S = steady; C = conscientious. One of the themes of the research is how these different personality types cope/adjust/interact to be more successful.
- What do you do when the boss (the son of the founder) is an “S” who shies away from difficult decisions that upset people?
- What do you do when the CEO is so analytical (a “C”) that he doesn’t make quick decisions or sometimes even express his position in meetings?
With TEVO’s scores and DISC, we will analyze:
- What is the correlation between (L2) TEVO scores (performance based) and business acumen around the nine growth drivers.
- What is the correlation between (L2) TEVO scores and DISC types of CEOs (or their teams).
- What correlations exist between DISC types of CEOs and successful tactics discovered in our research.