Speeches & Presentations

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Speeches & Presentations

DCA hosts: Growing from Meek to Mighty

Wednesday, June 28, 2017.  3:00 – 6:00pm.   Sacramento, CA.    DCA Partners.
Midsized Companies Growing from Meek to Mighty  followed by a Distinguished Panel Discussion

Growing through acquisition is an enticing prospect for many mid-market companies. Their leaders dream of adding millions of dollars to the top line with a single stroke of the pen. Buying companies can be an awesome growth tactic, but only when the right acquirer with the right team buys the right company at the right price.  At least half the time, it isn’t all right, and then the acquisition can be a noxious growth killer. READ MORE >

Online Panel Discussion: What is Strategic Planning?

Tuesday, April 18, 2017.   11:00am PDT Webinar.   Lighthouse Consulting hosts online panel discussion.

  • The difference between strategic planning and operational planning.
  • The relationship between long term thinking, strategic thinking, market intelligence and strategic planning.
  • Strategic planning can’t be a once a year event.
  • How executives can break the habit of being reactive and truly embrace strategic thinking and planning.


Mighty Keynote for SHCA Spring Meeting

Wednesday, April 12, 2017.  Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Saskatchewan Heavy Construction Association.

How to Make Shrewd Acquisitions (Ones That Propel Performance)

Acquisitions are a great way to grow, allowing companies to shave years off of what would be required through organic growth. They can also bring in hard-to-find talent, remove competitors, drive costs down and a host of other strategic objectives.

They can also destroy your company. About half of all acquisitions fail and at best, the failure is painful and diverts management attention from the real drivers of the business.

ROI presents a Webinar: Mighty Leadership Team

Wednesday, March 29, 2017.   10:00am PDT Webinar.   Resource Options International presents Mighty Leadership Team Webinar.

At the core of the most successful midsized companies is a stellar leadership team. With such a “mighty team” in place, a midsized firm can deliver profitable growth, year after year, in good times and bad. However, when even one member of the team is dysfunctional, a midsized company can’t hope to have a dream team. They don’t have the luxury of a large leadership team to support weak links in the executive chain.  This presentation drawn from four of the chapters of Robert’s book, Mighty Midsized Companies: How Leaders Overcome 7 Silent Growth Killers.


California United Bank hosts Mighty workshop

Thursday, May 11, 2017.  11:30am – 2:30pm.   Torrance, CA.    California United Bank.
Avoiding Deadly Lethargy

Midsized companies with laser market focus and rapid execution capabilities can outrun bigger and smaller foes alike.  Yet many midsized firms bog down, with projects taking months longer than planned, teams that get more excited about the free lunch than delivering high performance and confusion grips the firm at many levels.

Webinar: Balancing Leadership Between the CEO and the Private Company Board

Tuesday, May 2, 2017  9:00 -10:00am PDT.   A Mighty Webinar.

Great teamwork between a CEO and the Board adds value and growth, but rifts and mistrust are incredibly destructive. Listen in as two CEO/Board advisors share their experience helping both ‘sides’ work better together.  Harvey Meier joins Rob Sher on this session.  Harvey has over 40 years of board (and CEO) advisory experience, and leads extensive training on board governance in Alaska.


Webinar: Realizing Double Benefits from Your Family Business

Wednesday, June 21, 2017  10:00am – 11:00am PDT.   A Mighty Webinar.

Midsized businesses do not have it easy in their effort to produce sustainable financial results. But family owned & led midsized businesses ask still more of their businesses—to produce non-monetary benefits for the family. This additional demand places a higher burden on such businesses, requiring better and more disciplined leadership.


AIA Redwood Empire hosts Mighty event

Wednesday, May 10, 2017.  11:30am.   Santa Rosa, CA.    American Institute of Architects – Redwood Empire Chapter.
Creating a Mighty Leadership Team

At the core of the most successful midsized companies is a stellar leadership team.  With such a “mighty team” in place, a midsized firm can deliver profitable growth, year after year, in good times and bad.

Webinar: Optimizing Performance with a Leadership Operating System

Wednesday, April 19, 2017  10:00am – 11:00am PDT.   A Mighty Webinar.

Many companies capture their strategies in a strategic plan and develop a budget for where the money should go. They might even have some form of a business plan. But sometimes during the year things don’t get done; money is unspent or misspent; the urgent overtakes the important. Having a strategy and a budget isn’t enough—there is a gap.


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About Robert Sher

Robert Sher, Author and CEO AdvisorRobert Sher is founding principal of CEO to CEO, a consulting firm of former chief executives that improves the leadership infrastructure of midsized companies seeking to accelerate their performance. He was chief executive of Bentley Publishing Group from 1984 to 2006 and steered the firm to become a leading player in its industry (decorative art publishing).

Book Robert To Speak

Forbes.com columnist, author and CEO coach Robert Sher delivers keynotes and workshops, including combining content with facilitation of peer discussions on business topics.


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Suite 200, Dublin, CA 94568, USA
TEL: 1-925-829-8190
EMAIL: office@ceotoceo.biz

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