Recorded Webinar: How To Pivot Midsized Company Priorities Fast During Coronavirus Crisis

Monday, March 30, 2020.   10:00am – 11:00am PDT.   A Mighty Webinar.

Survival of midsized businesses through the coronavirus crisis requires an ultra-fast planning cycle with coordinated, team-based execution and frequent oversight. Then likely within a week, a full plan review and re-plan is required as circumstances change.  For small businesses, scrambling can be effective, but for midsized firms scrambling causes failed execution with dire consequences and leadership team burnout before the crisis abates.

The One Page Planning and Performance System (TOPPPS) is a web-based prioritization and tracking tool designed to capture a team’s best thinking in bullet-point short sentences.  Each leader has their own One Page Pivot Plan, supporting individualized simple tracking tools and progress reports where teams can instantly share status updates. It requires no integration into other systems and is quick to stand up, especially with the help of a licensed consultant who knows how to use the methodology.  While in normal times, most companies set a monthly cadence of updating results and sharing them, in urgent times the system is used with weekly, or even bi-weekly discussions.

In this webinar, we’ll walk you through how pivot plans are set up, using an example drawn from an actual company in the San Francisco Bay Area (the first US metro area with a shelter-in-place order) and validated against known crisis management best-practices.

You will learn:

  1. The importance of crisis-based succinct vision, mission and strategies to guide employee’s actions when they can’t get immediate decisions from superiors.
  2. How to create super-simple lists of what to watch & track, along with what projects must get executed and by whom.
  3. How important personalizing the planning is, so that each person can see in writing who is assigned to drive each project, any why documenting regularly will be important when any leader could be immediately sidelined should COVID-19 afflict them or their immediate family, and a new leader will have to pick up where they left off without any contact.
  4. The role of a facilitator in this process to allow the team to devote more of their time to execution or recharging.
  5. How TOPPPS can be instantly versioned (weekly, monthly or annually) to allow for recordkeeping.
  6. How this approach will be crucial as this crisis moves from a health crisis to an economic crisis, and where businesses of all sizes will play a crucial role in re-employing the population of their country.
  7. From the example, you will see a number of specific coping and adjustment strategies you will want to employ in your firm.
  8. Midsized firms who attend the webinar will be eligible for a no-cost, 30 minute session with a licensed consultant who can screen share with them the COVID-19 response TOPPPS system shown in the webinar.

Click here to view a recording of this webinar.


About Robert Sher

Robert Sher, Author and CEO AdvisorRobert Sher is founding principal of CEO to CEO, a consulting firm of former chief executives that improves the leadership infrastructure of midsized companies seeking to accelerate their performance. He was chief executive of Bentley Publishing Group from 1984 to 2006 and steered the firm to become a leading player in its industry (decorative art publishing).

Book Robert To Speak columnist, author and CEO coach Robert Sher delivers keynotes and workshops, including combining content with facilitation of peer discussions on business topics.


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ADDRESS: 11501 Dublin Blvd
Suite 200, Dublin, CA 94568, USA
TEL: 1-925-829-8190

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