Big Growth: Making the Dream a Reality

June 11, 2013.   San Francisco, CA.   A Cerius CEO Roundtable Wine Event.  Big Growth:  Making the Dream a Reality

Most CEOs love wine and love to grow their businesses. Cerius Interim Executives has created an event that does both! We’re meeting Tuesday, June 11th at 5:30pm in downtown San Francisco at the law offices of Hanson Bridgett to taste some great wine, and to tackle a critical topic: How to get big revenue growth—the kind of growth that could double your business over a few years (or perhaps even faster).

Too many companies are stuck on a plateau.  They have hopes to grow into a much larger company – maybe double the size or more—but year after year they’re not.  It’s frustrating!  At this event, CEOs come together to challenge each other—at a strategic level—about how they might break out of a pattern and achieve the growth they’ve always hoped for.  Attendees will bring their specific situations to challenge their peers do so some out-of-the-box thinking.

What you will learn

  • Identify the common reasons that company’s sales get stuck.
  • How to assess change (sometimes slow and hard to see) in the marketplace.
  • How to mitigate the risks of shooting for big growth.
  • Tackling painful change issues when striving for a big step up in growth.

We’re bringing growth oriented CEOs from mid-sized firms in the Bay Area together to discuss this critical topic.  Robert Sher will present a framework for the discussion, then we’ll work live case studies brought by the attendees.  This closed-door, confidential event is for active CEOs only, and is a no-selling environment.  All CEOs in attendance should come ready to contribute their ideas and experience as case studies are worked, and/or to contribute a current situation they are facing at their company as a case study exercise.

Schedule for Tuesday, June 11, 2013

5:30-6:00   Wine tasting and hors d’oeuvres
6:00-8:00   Event and discussion
Location     Hanson Bridgett, 425 Market Street, 26th Floor, San Francisco
Cost           $85 (All net proceeds will be donated to charity.)

Our featured winery and wine benefactor will be Eagle Ridge Vineyard known for its signature deep ruby Petit Sirah.

Please RSVP by June 7 to Kami Ames,



About Robert Sher

Robert Sher, Author and CEO AdvisorRobert Sher is founding principal of CEO to CEO, a consulting firm of former chief executives that improves the leadership infrastructure of midsized companies seeking to accelerate their performance. He was chief executive of Bentley Publishing Group from 1984 to 2006 and steered the firm to become a leading player in its industry (decorative art publishing).

Book Robert To Speak columnist, author and CEO coach Robert Sher delivers keynotes and workshops, including combining content with facilitation of peer discussions on business topics.


Book Rob To Speak

Contact Information

ADDRESS: 11501 Dublin Blvd
Suite 200, Dublin, CA 94568, USA
TEL: 1-925-829-8190

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