BDO hosts Mighty Roundtable for Future CFOs
Thursday, December 15, 2016. San Jose, CA. BDO hosts a Mighty Event for Future CFOs
Midsized companies face a distinct set of challenges unlike those faced by their smaller and larger counterparts. These challenges create ideal conditions for the emergence of seven silent growth killers, nasty pitfalls that drain a firm’s momentum, energy, and viability. At this event, Rob will discuss the crucial role CFOs can play in guiding the founders and CEOs of these firms, working with them to develop what we call their Leadership Operating System.
While many companies capture their strategies in a strategic plan and develop a budget for where the money should go, sometimes during the year it’s not invested in the business at all, and sits in the bank, idle. Other times, it gets mis-directed. Having a strategy and a budget isn’t enough—there is a gap. As a CFO, you can help your companies bridge this gap with an operating system (sometimes referred to as a detailed business plan or operating plan) which clarifies who does what by when, which keeps midsized companies organized and on track. The operating system helps you execute your strategies while following a prudent budget.
You will learn:
- Crucial elements to an operating system
- Capturing action-ability and accountability-Action Plans and Objectives
- Measuring behaviors, not just results
- The plan review process- encouraging engagement and passion for progress
- Why the numbers don’t really matter, and the striving really does
- Getting buy in from leaders
- The discipline of discipline
Date: Thursday, December 15, 2016
Time: 8:00 – 10:00am
Location: Capital Club – 50 West San Fernando Ave, 17th Floor, San Jose, CA
Agenda: Make it Mighty Presentation and Discussion
This is a closed session by invitation only. If you’d like to be included or join another Mighty Midsized Companies Event, please email Jan Dare Brown at and she’ll contact you.