Midsized companies with strong teams outpace competitors in generating growth and profitability, developing competitive advantages, and keeping customers and employees satisfied.

Mid-Level Peer Group

Big impact and strong skill development with a low investment of $250 per month.

This virtual peer group is an open forum for participants to share their wisdom and learn from each other’s experiences.  This connection has proved even more valuable in this challenging business climate with unique and unprecedented challenges.

Key Program Attributes

  • Two-hour sessions are done via Zoom video conferencing from the comfort of your office.
  • Learn about challenges and successes among your peers.
  • Coaching for emerging leaders with their current business challenges.
  • Mix of guest experts/business book reviews and issue processing.
  • The group members have influence on topics discussed. However, the intent is to have more advanced topics, largely around leadership, strategy and planning.

Ideal for:

  • Managers or lower level leaders who could rise in their organization but need support and development around their leadership skills.
  • Any high potential employee who is ear-marked for promotion to management/leadership.
  • Middle managers of midsized or large companies—so they can better support senior leadership and eventually step up.
  • Any leader who feels they never got “trained or coached” to be a leader, and wants to improve.
  • Eligible members for this group must have at least two years of management level responsibility under their belt. They are likely not in the c-suite, although in smaller midsized firms they might report to the CEO. Many will have a director title or a manager title. This is not a CEO group.

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Get Unique Perspectives

The collective wisdom of the group is powerful and has resulted in actionable steps for improvement for all.

“It gives you perspectives and ideas that you just hadn’t considered before. Or they’ll bring up a problem that they’re having that I’ll recognize as, ‘Oh, that’s also happening here. I hadn’t even thought about that being an issue before. Maybe that’s something I should be addressing.’”

— Jason Harsch, Engineering Manager

“… even just another member of the group talking about something they’re dealing with and someone else suggesting solutions and I’m only listening to both of them. Sometimes I’ll sit there and have a light bulb moment… like, actually I could use that.”

— Julia Stenderup, Senior Art Consultant

“Having this group has just been wonderful because it’s just getting someone else’s perspective and getting ideas of how they handle situations, what their company does. I’ve really enjoyed it.”

— Christine Waugh, Purchasing Manager

More Than An Industry Peer Group

This group crosses industries and regions, allowing participants to get perspectives they would not get from other peer groups.

“It’s easy for me to find an industry group to talk to. Those are everywhere, so if I have a technical issue or something specifically related to what I’m doing technically wise, I can find that pretty easy. But the soft skills of managing people… who do you ask? That’s the value in this group.”

— Jason Harsch, Engineering Manager

“Having people geographically spread out is really nice. For me it’s nice to talk to people who aren’t just on the west coast and see everything through our California lens.”

— Julia Stenderup, Senior Art Consultant

Hear From People Outside Your Office

“There’s been times here that I’ve wanted to reach out to another manager for their advice, but then I think, ‘Oh, but they’re friends with this other manager, and they might talk to them.’ There’s that concern of confidentiality you don’t have to worry about in this group.”
— Christine Waugh, Purchasing Manager

“Hearing the perspective of others gives me ideas that no one in our company is thinking because we’re too ‘in it.’”

— Julia Stenderup, Senior Art Consultant

“… I have this group of people that I can go to. I don’t have to bombard [my boss] with all of this.”

— Shelley Blanchard, Office Manager

Megan Patton

Megan Patton leads the peer groups.  She is a business strategist who has been a management consultant, trainer and executive coach for most of her career. She spends her time working with individuals, companies and non-profits to help define and implement strategies that enable peak performance and growth.  Read full bio.


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About Robert Sher

Robert Sher, Author and CEO AdvisorRobert Sher is founding principal of CEO to CEO, a consulting firm of former chief executives that improves the leadership infrastructure of midsized companies seeking to accelerate their performance. He was chief executive of Bentley Publishing Group from 1984 to 2006 and steered the firm to become a leading player in its industry (decorative art publishing).

Book Robert To Speak

Forbes.com columnist, author and CEO coach Robert Sher delivers keynotes and workshops, including combining content with facilitation of peer discussions on business topics.


Book Rob To Speak

Contact Information

ADDRESS: 11501 Dublin Blvd
Suite 200, Dublin, CA 94568, USA
TEL: 1-925-829-8190
EMAIL: office@ceotoceo.biz

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